What are Web3 wallets

Web3 wallets are an important tool for those who are eager to master the cryptocurrency markets and the principles of decentralized finance (DeFi). This guide will walk you through the basics and types of Web3 wallets, while presenting some popular examples.
Difference between Web3 wallet and cryptocurrency wallet
Web3 wallets are digital solutions for decentralized finance (DeFi) that are designed to interact with blockchain networks and decentralized applications (DApps), as well as to securely manage cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other digital tokens.
While these terms are often used interchangeably, not all cryptocurrency wallets are compatible with DApps and DeFi platforms. And while both types of wallets allow you to manage cryptocurrencies, Web3 wallets have a wider range of supported digital assets.
It is also worth separating these two concepts from the term “cryptocurrency address” - this is a unique identifier that is used to send, receive and store digital assets on the blockchain.
Users often consider a cryptocurrency wallet and a cryptocurrency address to be one and the same concept, although they are different.
How Web3 wallets work
Most Web3 wallets provide users with complete control over their digital assets. This means that the owners manage their own seeds and private keys.

When creating a new Web3 wallet, a unique seed phrase consisting of 12 or 24 words is usually generated. This phrase provides full access to the crypto wallet and its private keys necessary for signing and verifying transactions. Do not under any circumstances share your seed phrase and private keys with anyone.
Features of Web3 wallets
Although there may be some differences between different Web3 wallets, most of them have a standard set of features:
Support for various assets and blockchain networks: provide work with various blockchains and digital assets, including cryptocurrencies and NFTs.
Compatible with smart contracts and DeFi: allow you to interact with smart contracts and gain access to DApps, decentralized exchanges, marketplaces and other blockchain-based services.
Peer-to-peer transactions: allow you to send and receive digital assets without the participation of centralized services and intermediaries.
Ensure Security: A good Web3 wallet ensures security and uses encryption methods to protect the seed and private keys. Some of them also provide warnings about potentially dangerous sites and smart contracts.
Anonymity: Although most transactions on the blockchain are public, users can create Web3 wallets without revealing their sensitive data or personal information.
Web3 custodial and non-custodial wallets
Non-custodial wallets
Non-custodial or self-monitored wallets provide users with full independent control over their assets. Examples of such wallets are MetaMask and Trust Wallet. For most traders and investors, Web3 non-custodial wallets are considered the most secure option as they can store their private keys and seed phrases in a safe place.
Custodial wallets
In the case of custodial wallets, private keys are managed by a third party who performs actions on behalf of the user. An example of this kind of wallets would be wallets on exchanges. This is a convenient solution, but users are forced to entrust their assets to a custodian.
Types of Web3 wallets
A hardware wallet is a physical device that stores cryptocurrency keys offline (cold storage), providing an additional layer of security.
Although these wallets are better protected from online threats, they are less convenient to use. Hardware wallets are often chosen for long-term or large-scale storage of cryptocurrencies. In addition, for additional protection, you can set a PIN code and create a backup copy of the seed phrase in case you lose your device. Examples of popular hardware wallets are Trezor and Ledger.
Web wallets
Web wallets typically operate through a browser interface and provide access to crypto assets online.
Most of them are also available as mobile wallets. This is a convenient option, but caution should be exercised when connecting to DeFi and DApp platforms due to possible security threats such as malicious sites or smart contracts.
Mobile wallets function similarly to web wallets, but are specifically designed for use on smartphones. With their help, you can send and receive cryptocurrencies via QR codes, as well as interact with DeFi and DApps directly from your mobile device.
However, mobile devices, like computers, are susceptible to risks from malicious applications and viruses. Therefore, when using a mobile wallet, it is recommended to provide it with a password and create a backup copy of the seed phrase (or private keys) in case the phone is lost or damaged.

Examples of mobile crypto wallets are MetaMask or Trust Wallet.
Smart contract wallets
Smart contract wallets are managed by smart contracts on the blockchain. They provide programmable non-custodial accounts and advanced functionality.
Unlike traditional wallets, smart contract wallets allow you to set the terms and conditions of transactions, automate financial transactions, and increase security using programmatic logic.

Smart contract wallets often use blockchain technology to provide users with decentralized control over their funds and integrate with DeFi applications. They also have advanced security features such as multi-signature, time-locking, and upgradeability. Thus, these wallets are powerful tools for managing and interacting with cryptocurrencies.
Desktop wallets were popular in the early years of cryptocurrencies, being applications on the computer that provided complete control over cryptocurrency keys. To protect assets and prevent losses, it is important to monitor the security of your computer and regularly update backup copies of data in your wallet.
Considered outdated and untrustworthy by many, paper wallets are a method in which users write down cryptocurrency addresses and private keys on paper. Because they are stored offline, they are protected from tampering, but are at risk of damage or loss. As a result, such wallets require careful handling and secure storage.
Examples of Web3 wallets
MetaMask is one of the most famous non-custodial Web3 wallets that works with Ethereum and EVM-compatible blockchains such as BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche and Arbitrum.

MetaMask provides the ability to interact with DApps, manage digital assets, and conduct token exchanges. It also provides owners with full control over their private keys, making it a secure and convenient option for both newbies and experienced users.

Trust Wallet - еще один известный некастодиальный кошелек, предназначенный для управления криптовалютами прямо с мобильных устройств. Он поддерживает множество блокчейнов и позволяет хранить активы, взаимодействовать с DApp и участвовать в операциях DeFi. Благодаря удобному интерфейсу и мерам безопасности Trust Wallet считается отличным выбором для мобильных устройств.
Web3 wallets are essential tools for learning about cryptocurrencies and DeFi, as they provide the ability to interact with blockchain networks and decentralized applications (DApps). Regardless of which wallet you choose - be it MetaMask, Binance's Web3 Wallet or Trust Wallet - it is important to keep your seed phrases and private keys safe and strictly confidential.

We also note that, regardless of the type of aml wallet used, wallet verification is an important step to maintain the security of your assets. To the question “how to check the purity of a crypto wallet” we can easily answer you - aml check service Btrace, free first check for each new user.
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